Pioneers in low cost, high value, digital integrations for industrial applications

Promote a safer workplace

Reduce sick days

Improve sustainability

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Reporting platform and alert system, developed with APPLICATION EXPERIENCE, is a cost effective and proven solution to trend deteriorating air quality due to

  • Coolant Mist, Dust & Fume contamination


  • Volatile Organic Compounds

  • Noise Levels

  • Temperature, Relative Humidity & Atmospheric Pressure

Easy to use, secure, Dashboard Reporting

Bespoke solutions & integrations

Our own design printed circuit board was developed with expansion in mind. We aim to provide best value solutions, in the shortest possible time, with a modular PCB design capable of accepting a variety of different sensing solutions.

Click on the icons below to learn more of the flexibility of HEXmon

Atmospheric Pressure
Power & Process
Volatile Organic Compounds
Particulate Matter
Relative Humidity

HEXmon alleviates the problem of NOT KNOWING

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