24/7 monitoring, alerting and reporting of Factory Indoor Air Quality

"instead of assuming you may be protected, understand the level of protection you have"


The temperature in the workplace influences the human body and there is an optimum range that is conducive to productivity and health.

When it is outside this threshold, it can cause discomfort, impair cognitive skills, and affect output.

Lower temperature can also lead to mould growth because cold air moves water vapor around, increasing the quantity of condensation in the air. 

Where fluids are used in the production process and can be stored in tanks (e.g., CNC machining applications), it is important to look for condensation to avoid increased bacterial activity and mould growth.

what to do

By the nature of some work, it may not be possible to maintain a consistent temperature range in the workplace, particularly in older buildings.

Best efforts should be made to maintain consistent temperatures in factories and take appropriate steps to adapt to seasonal changes.

Regular maintenance of HVAC systems, where installed, will aid temperature control.


A study conducted at Cornell University concluded that 25°C is the optimal temperature for productivity.

external reference

Temperature (hse.gov.uk)

Study links warm offices to fewer typing errors and higher productivity | Cornell Chronicle

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