24/7 monitoring, alerting and reporting of Factory Indoor Air Quality
"instead of assuming you may be protected, understand the level of protection you have"
"We thought we were doing enough by just filtering mist or dust and then recirculating air. This has shown us that whilst the air is cleaner than it was before, there are still particles in the air affecting air quality. Air quality is about the seen as well as unseen danger, and this allows us to measure the unseen."
be more proactive on health and safety
"...without continuous sensor monitoring data, it is impossible to spot problems quickly enough..."
a healthier and safer working environment
"We have real time evidence that changes made within the business are working or not working"
raised awareness of factors that affect emissions and noise levels
"...crucial in identifying links between particulate emissions and specific activities within the factory."
HEXmon solves the problem of NOT KNOWING
Registered office
272 Bath Street,
G2 4JR.
VAT No 401 8593 08
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