"instead of assuming you may be protected, understand the level of protection you have"
Air pressure (barometric pressure) is the pressure that air exerts in the environment.
In an environment with high atmospheric air pressure, contaminants can accumulate because the air is usually motionless.
Air pressure influences ventilation and the amount of air flowing in and out of a factory or room.
Balanced air pressure is critical because it reduces the accumulation of harmful particulates.
When the air pressure indoors is lower than outdoor, air brings in external pollutants, e.g., carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and particulates etc.
Air pressure typically between 970 to 1030 mbar is considered normal, indicating adequate airflow and reduced risk of exacerbating health risks.
what to do
Indoor and outdoor atmospheric air pressure should be the same unless engineered factors influence a higher or lower pressure indoors relative to outdoors. If this is by design e.g., Mist extraction system on a CNC Machine consideration should be given to the local exposure the CNC operator may experience.
Being subjected to lower atmospheric air pressure may increase the risk of headaches, migraines, lower blood pressure
external reference
Feel It? 4 Ways Barometric Pressure Affects Your Health (And Why It Matters) (migraineagain.com)
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