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Version 3 of our own designed Printed Circuit Board can accommodate two separate gas sensors to monitor environmental contamination.

The current standard is for Hydrogen Sulphide and Respiratory Irritant sensors to be installed as required. Alternative sensors can be installed to monitor Ozone, Sulphur Dioxide, Nitrogen Dioxide, Ethanol and Carbon Monoxide.

Gases in the atmosphere can lead to poor air quality which has a negative health and well-being impact and consequently causes a loss of productivity.

The output on the web app may show a negative trend which is due to cross-sensitivity of a sensor to other gases.


If this occurs there is a more dominant gas in the environment and the data should be used to monitor trends.

An example of this is where we see Hydrogen Sulphide (rotten eggs / 'Monday morning' smell) dominant in a metalworking fluid Conveyor Tank with a positive trend. This is due to H2S being a heavier gas and therefore displacing any other gases in the tank, whereas the H2S reading in the general environment may have a negative output for the same CNC machine.

Respiratory Irritant gas sensors are designed for the broad (non-specific) detection of NO2, Ozone, Chlorines, SO2, H2S, and odorous gases.

what to do

Identify the source of the gas and eliminate or take steps to reduce the impact in the environment.

In CNC machining applications H2S comes from increased bacterial activity in soluble metalworking fluids. An increase in H2S could be used as a guide to determine when a machine cleanout should be undertaken and a new fluid fill.

external reference

Microsoft Word - Hydrogen Sulphide General Information phe v1 (

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