"instead of assuming you may be protected, understand the level of protection you have"
The Power and Process Monitoring Module (PPM) not only monitors electrical consumption in machinery it also gives insight into process productivity.
Whether single or 3-phase the PPM provides insight into the power used to sub-system level in order to fully understand the total cost of use and machinery utilisation.
Machinery can be ‘powered up’ but not processing, this costs money and the PPM not only helps understand the whole system cost of use but also for sub-systems.
An example of use is when a CNC is switched on to circulate coolant for the short-term gain of reducing micro-bacterial activity. The CNC will be powered up with coolant pumps, an LEV mist extractor, a Chiller and other peripheral systems running, all of which consume electricity.
The PPM overcomes the lack of management insight into the cost of this example approach and, with dashboard reporting enables, interventions to reduce cost of use during non-productive periods.
Similarly, when continuous processing plant e.g., size reduction equipment is ‘hand fed’, the PPM identifies periods of inconsistent feed rate and dwell periods, i.e., when plant is idling but not processing. The process can then be re-evaluated to improve productivity.
what to do
Energy use can be reduced. Understanding every aspect of energy consumption is one of the first steps during an energy audit.
An energy audit is the first step to instigate a cost reduction plan.
Installing a PPM Module delivers detailed energy consumption to an online dashboard and sends emails when predetermined events occur. The data provides new insight which can be used to implement behavioural change and improve processes to reduce energy costs, improve productivity and reduce operating costs.
external reference
A guide to energy efficiency in the workplace - Energy Saving Trust
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